Comments on: How To Start The New Year. Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:55:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mom Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:55:52 +0000 You know, I received a year-starter early in my adult life. It was a gift, I believe. I know I didn’t buy it. Something of an antique, even then, it was one of those wind-up rubber band ones. Maybe you’ve never seen one. The biggest problem with those kind was getting the rubber band wound tightly enough and then holding on to it while you got into the proper position at the top of the step ladder, strapped on the enclosed helmet, and recited the months of the year backwards. ( I never really understood why you couldn’t have wound it last, but the instructions were quite specific and the skull and crossbones did give me pause.)
I only used it the one year–1960something–and the results were, shall we say, questionable. I’m not going to take sole responsibility for…Anyway…I dug it out after reading your article. The rubber band was hard and crunchy. The propeller was bent and the chin strap for the helmet was completely chewed through. (Mice?) I’m thinking of donating it to some museum if I can find one that will give it the place it deserves. Any ideas?
So I just wanted to say thanks for your insight into year-starting. It took me back to times past. Oh, my goodness. Look at that. It’s 2015 and I’m late…Is that a white rabbit at the door?…
